Hey Guys, I think this site is dying, We need to do some changes to it, and get more members to enter, Invite them...
Then I we should do ARG Exclusive mods for NFS Games, and Get Crackin' on the Muscle Mod, I've got a main carlist planned out, you guys converterers can just help out with the conversions and selecting replacement slots, and shit, then we should also redesign the theme( you promised Manic...)
BTW I will go and dig into HTML and shit liek that, since its waay easier than learning C++ or VB, for the website ofcourse, such as making HTML's for the tutorials, or making some cool shit....
As well I would like to take up the moderator positions to actually do stuff for the site, because I've got a free summer, and a looot of free time, and I can help as well.
- AR-G Founder,
Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:18 pm by Dobi